Author: Debra

Spreadsheet Day 2012 1

Spreadsheet Day 2012

Happy Spreadsheet Day 2012! What are you doing to celebrate? To mark this special occasion, I’ve posted links to 5 of my favourite Excel tips from the past year, on my Contextures Blog. The...

Excel Is For Lists Not Formulas 0

Excel Is For Lists Not Formulas

Sure, you use Excel for all kinds of fancy calculations. Your workbooks are full of mega-formulas and user-defined functions. Your macros magically summarize the data, and you create monthly reports with the click of...

Freedom From Spreadsheets 0

Freedom From Spreadsheets

How much personal stuff do you track with spreadsheets? Does all that tracking take the fun out of your free time? It’s not just you – in her blog, Vicariously Yours, Sarah Layden talks...

Feeding Your Monster Spreadsheets 0

Feeding Your Monster Spreadsheets

How often has this happened to you? You started out with a simple Excel spreadsheet, to track one or two key items. Before long, that spreadsheet has turned into a monster – dozens of...

Excel Student Budget: Spreadsheet Day 2011 3

Excel Student Budget: Spreadsheet Day 2011

Happy Spreadsheet Day! Each year, on October 17th, we celebrate our wonderful worksheets and terrific templates. This is the date that VisiCalc was first released to customers, in 1979. To participate in Spreadsheet Day,...

Preparing for Spreadsheet Day 2011 0

Preparing for Spreadsheet Day 2011

It’s only 9 days until Spreadsheet Day 2011 – Monday, October 17th. Have you got your office party organized? Are you taking the day off, to make a long weekend for the holiday? Share...

First Demo of VisiCalc 0

VisiCalc’s Dan Bricklin at Apple WWDC 2011

The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) is running this week in San Francisco. On the WWDC website, you can only see the schedule if you log in, so I don’t know how much time...

Perfect Unions With Excel Wedding Plans 0

Perfect Unions With Excel Wedding Plans

When my son got married, we did some of the wedding planning in Excel, and it helped things go smoothly. We even used the seating plan workbook on my Contextures website, that helps you...

First Demo of VisiCalc 0

First Demo of VisiCalc

Thirty-two years ago today, on May 12, 1979, Dan Bricklin demonstrated the new spreadsheet program, VisiCalc, at the 4th West Coast Computer Faire, in San Francisco. On his Benlo Park website, Peter Jennings describes...